Register your interest to become a Child Friendly Cov supporter

If you are an organisation based in Coventry and would like to support Child Friendly Cov to achieve our aim of becoming the best city in the UK for children and young people to grow up and live in, get in touch by completing the contact form.

Step 1: Register your interest

To start your Child Friendly Cov journey, all you need to do is fill in the Register your Interest form with a brief overview of your organisation and the work that you do.

Step 2: Complete the sign up registration form

Once your have registered your initial interest, we will send you more information where we will ask you to think about whether your work is aligned to our Child Friendly Cov pledges plus asking for logos, contact details etc which we can use to share your involvement in the project. A member of our team will be happy to meet with you and advise on any questions you have at this stage!

Step 3: Share your pride

We will provide Child Friendly Cov supporters with online graphics and printed literature to show your involvement in the project. We hope that this will help bring even more supporters on board and raise awareness of the work and aims of Child Friendly Cov. We will also be sharing with pride all supporters of Child Friendly Cov.

Step 4: Keeping in touch

Being a Child Friendly Cov supporter is more than a badge or tick box, we will be in touch on a regular basis to ask you for updates on your projects, how your work is aligned to our pledges and if there are good news stories which you would like us to share.

Supporter sign up registration form